Our Service Plans & Delivery Schedule
We believe propane delivery should be simple and you shouldn't have
to watch your tank gauge to see if you need propane delivered.
This is why we’ve come up with service plans to make your life easier
and guarantee you that you never run out of propane.
Our Service Plans
- Budget Plan
- Prebuys / Lock-Ins
- Automatic Deliveries
Our Delivery Areas
Towns we service: Newry, Bethel, Rumford, Bryant Pond, Greenwood,
West Paris, Sumner, Buckfield, Hebron, Minot, Mechanic Falls,
Poland, Casco, Otisfield, Naples, Bridgton, Harrison, Sweden,
Stoneham, Lovell, Waterford, Norway, South Paris & Oxford. As
well as select parts of Fryeburg, Canton & Turner.
Spring/Fall/Winter Delivery Schedule
We do not have a set schedule during any time of the year.
Drivers are in our service areas at least once a week for
deliveries. Customers are required to call us when their
tank reaches 30%-40% in order to receive a delivery
between 5-7 business days (this does not include weekends or holidays).